Innovation and Manufacturing
At MIT, we believe that a conventional engineering degree approach with generic degrees is not sufficient to meet the new challenges in manufacturing. Instead a new form of engineering education, the “Professional Masters” is required that takes the grounding provided by typical Bachelor of Science in engineering degree and provides a capstone of systems, applications, projects, and non-technical topics to create a true professional ready to maximize their value to the company and ready to use their experience to lead.
So why enroll in the MIT MEng in Advanced Manufacturing and Design? Simply put, to gain the leadership skills needed for continual growth in competence and competitiveness in manufacturing, and to be at the leading edge of a new form of engineering education. By adding a single year to a 4 year degree, you are exposed to the full range of topics necessary for manufacturing excellence, you get to experience many of them with class-based projects and seminars, and finally, you get to join leading manufacturing companies for a group – based project on a topic that the company feels is vital to their continued success. The MEng is like compressed experience, but with a scholarly backdrop that makes the process of rapid future learning a natural and familiar task.
The MEng builds upon other efforts at MIT spanning several decades. These include:
- The Lab for Manufacturing and Productivity (LMP): A lab with nearly 40 years of sponsored research focused on manufacturing.
- The Leaders for Global Operations (LGO): Formerly the Leader for Manufacturing Program, the LGO is a dual MBA, SM degree program with more than 20 years experience educating management leaders for manufacturing