
Our Alumni have rewarding careers…

Chart: Alumni Job Titles, 3% Professors or Academics, 10% Analysts or Advisers, 8% Company Founder or CEO, 36% Engineers, 36% Management, 7% Other

at diverse companies…

List of Companies Alumni Have Worked At

and they join a growing field…

  • By 2025, 2.7 million baby boomers will retire from their manufacturing positions, which will leave an opening of 2 million jobs (Source – Deloitte)
  • There are 12.82 million manufacturing workers in the United States, accounting for 8.5 percent of the workforce. Since the end of the Great Recession, manufacturers have hired an additional 1.37 million workers.
  • Over the next decade, 4.6 million manufacturing jobs will likely be needed, and 2.4 million are expected to go unfilled due to the skills gap.
  • Manufactured goods exports have grown substantially to our largest trading partners since 1990, including to Canada, Mexico and even China. The North American market remains vital for manufacturers in the United States. Indeed, Canada and Mexico purchase more manufactured goods from the U.S. ($500.3 billion in 2018) than from our next 11 largest trading partners combined ($496.5 billion in 2018). Meanwhile, U.S.-manufactured goods exports to China have tripled from $31.9 billion in 2005 to $98.2 billion in 2018.

Source – National Association of Manufactuerers (NAM),

Some Alumni Highlights…