
In just 12 months the MIT Master of Engineering in Manufacturing (MEng) prepares you to not only assume professional leadership positions, but also provides you with the necessary skill set and confidence to affect transformative and innovative change within manufacturing industries.

To apply to the MEng program, you must apply to the Mechanical Engineering Graduate program and specify “Master of Engineering in Advanced Manufacturing and Design” on the application. Also, in addition to your statement of objectives, supplemental essays must be completed for your application to be considered. You must also submit a Mechanical Engineering application. Please visit the MIT Department of Mechanical Engineering Graduate Office to access the online application. Please visit our Application Materials page to review the list of required application materials. 

Applications will be accepted until December 15th.

Approximate Application-Process Timeline

  • October through December 15th: Applications are submitted by prospective students
  • The Mechanical Engineering Graduate Office receives all submitted graduate applications and supplemental materials
  • December 15th through early March: Completed applications are circulated to and evaluated by the MEngM application committee members
  • Mid-March through April 1: Admission decisions are made by committee members
  • Applicants are notified by email by the Mechanical Engineering Graduate Office of their admission status.
  • April 15: Deadline for applicants to accept or decline admission offer to MIT